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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

tawau the most intriguing town

this post was made 4 those who intrested to know tawau most of u heard "TAWAU BEST"!!! believe me its F***** true

1. pokok tropika yg tertinggi terdapat d tawau hills park. yg x pernah dgar pasal maliau basin must be livin under a rock, (200 km dri tawau) also known as the lost world of sabah
3.nak mdi manda???byk tempat boleh p

ni air terjun tawau hill park, dkat2 gan tmpat pokok tropika tertinggi tu

4. makanan kat cni murah2 espclly sea food kat cni peramah belaka, ada yg over peramah lgi
6.byk diving spot kat tawau maklumla dikelilingi laut

byk diving spot dkat ngan tawau eg;MATAKING island, SIPADAN, MABUL

like as said b4 tawau is mainly sorrounde by beautiful sea, so tempat2 lepak byk la dkt2 laut ni salah satu org pggil "highway" lau nama scientificnya tawau waterfront

7.org2 tawau ni tampan2 dan cantik belaka, contoh terdekat tgk la empunya blog ni XD

aku rasa dah la kot...lau nak crta pasal tawau smpai esok pun xhabis, lgi pun aku da penat menaip..huhu

conclusion: TAWAU MARIII


leeya naddlya said...

mail...aku suka ko punye entry kali nie.. I LUV TAWAU!!!! n me get really eksaited bile tgk ko update sudah..hehehe..btw seriyesly aku nk get to noe tawau giler2 nie..hehehe... hahahaha..

okok next entry aku aku mau crita psl ICTY kat shah alam.. nnt ko usha nie..x sempt mau update ini mlm..pnat..btw dtg la sini..hehehe

Unknown said...
